
To: Allied Metal Corporation, India

  • Your Requirements:
    Please describe your requirement as clearly as possible to get prompt and precise replies. Provide details such as:
    • Product specification
    • Features
    • Packaging
    • Your company description, etc.
    Use only English words as far as possible
  • Keep viewing this section for helpful tips.
    (* represents compulsory fields)
Please describe your specific/customized requirements : *
  • Estimated Quantity:
    Please fill the minimum quantity you intend to purchase
Estimated Quantity :
  • Your Plan of purchasing:
    Please select the time period in which you want to purchase your product
When do you plan to purchase?

Immediately  1 Month  2 Month  3 Month  3+ Month 

Your Contact Information

(Why we need your contact information)
  • Company Name:
    Please provide you company name. If you are not a regular buyer enter "Individual"
Company Name :
  • Contact Name:
    Name of person to whom we shall revert back with reply.
Contact Person : *
  • E-mail:
    E-mail address of contact person.
    Kindly ensure that e-mail is correct as you will receive reply on this mail address.
E-mail : *
  • Phone:
    Eg: 91-123-1234567
Phone/Mobile : *
  • Fax:
    Eg: 91-120-2424945
Fax :
  • Business Address:
    Please provide your complete postal address. This information is required if you also wish to receive Shipping Cost etc.
Business Address :
Zip/Postal Code:
  • How would you like us to contact you:
    Please select how do you prefer us to contact you.
How would you like us to contact you :
Phone   Fax   Email  
  • Country:
    Select the country where your business is located.
Country: *
Enter the code shown on image: *